We are seeking abstract submissions from delegates who wish to present their work to a large international audience.
Abstracts should be aligned with the session topics provided. All submissions will be subject to peer review, and successful submissions will be offered either an oral (12 minutes + 3 minutes for questions) or poster presentation.
2019 themes
- Ecological significance and function of SOM
- Impacts of climate change and land use on SOM
- The economic and social value of SOM
- SOM restoration: Restoring ecosystem function through SOM recovery
- C sequestration – opportunities, costs, trade-offs
- SOM dynamics in fire-prone landscapes
- Going downunder: Deep SOM dynamics
- The living part of SOM – microbes, microfauna, mesofauna, macrofauna
We look forward to receiving your abstract. For more information and to submit an abstract select the link below.