3 octobre 2018 Cédric de Solenvie

ASA & CSSA Annual Meeting Details | Baltimore | Member Discount

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2018 ASA & CSSA Annual Meeting

The Excitement is Building for Science in Baltimore!

Register and Reserve Hotels now…
registration ends October 10!

In just a few weeks, November will be here along with the 2018 ASA & CSSA Annual Meeting, held jointly with the Canadian Society of Agronomy. Join us for…

  • 800+ Posters, 90 Rapid Fire Talks, 1,000+ Oral Presentations
  • Connecting, Networking, and Collaborating with 2,500+ attendees
  • Workshops and Tours, Exhibits, and Social Events!
  • EMMY Award-winning producer, Conrad Weaver’s movie « Thirsty Land« 
  • Science presented with ASA Sections/Communities and CSSA Division focus-find your niche!
  • Inspiring speakers taking center stage to include: « Do My Efforts Have An Impact? », « Designing Agricultural Systems for Resilience Through Partnerships Among Plants and people », « Accelerating Innovation in Soil and Nutrient Management »

Register Today then review the 2018 ASA & CSSA Annual Meeting Program and start building your schedule!

We encourage you to Join or Renew Today as part of your Annual Meeting experience. You will receive valuable member benefits including:
  • Discounted ASA, CSSA Annual Meeting registration
        (Members save more than $200 )
  • CSA News magazine
  • Digital Library subscription opportunity
  • Member Directories and Scientific Communities/Divisions of Interest
  • CSSA Division presentations at the Annual meeting (membership required)

Visit our membership pages ASA | CSSA  | SSSA to join/renew and save!

2019 SSSA International Soils Meeting | San Diego in January?…Yes!

The 2019 SSSA International Soils Meeting is being held January 6-9, 2019 in conjunction with the Canadian Society of Soil Science and Mexican Society of Soil Science, creating a  unique opportunity for those in the soil and environmentally related sciences. Register and review the program to start planning for January!